
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Little changes in the kitchen

Now that Christmas is over I am revamping my decor in the house. I am not one to stick to one area at a time so there are many projects taking place at the same time.  I already started with the dining room but only have the buffet finished.  Next area is the kitchen.  I have started with the kitchen island.

I am wanting to change out the decor on the shelves too.  This is what they look like now.

I really never have decorated my pot rack they way I would like to.  I kinda just threw a few items up there.  I am going to change this out too.  I will probably keep the rooster.

So right now this is my kitchen.

I may even change out the decor above the cabinets.   I don't know when I will get this all done but for now I want to concentrate on the island area.  I am hoping to get it done by this coming weekend.  I also want to finish the dining room by this weekend also.  At this moment I only have the buffet done.  I still need to freshen up the hutch and the table.

Linking with
Savvy Southern Style, The Style Sisters, DIY by Design, Ivy and Elephants, The Bajan Texan, The Happy Housie, A Delightsome Life, Have a Daily Cup of Mrs Olson, From My Front Porch To Yours
Posed Perfection, Katherines Corner, Anderson & Grant, Rooted In Thyme, Embracing Change
My Fabuless Life, Imparting Grace, The Charm of Home, Shabby Art Boutique, French Country Cottage, My Romantic Home, Chic on a Shoestring, I'm Not a Trophy Wife, Nancherrow, Serenity Now, Simple Nature Decor, DIY Vintage Chic, Just Us Four, The Shabby Nest, 3 Little Greenwoods
Scrapality, Life on Lakeshore Drive, Thoughts From Alice, Tabler Party of Two, DIY Show Off
Finding Silver Pennies, It's Overflowing, Rustic & Refined, Dwellings The Heart of Your Home
I Should be Mopping the Floor, Huckleberry Love, Elizabeth Joan Designs, Between Naps on the Porch, Coastal Charm, Our Home Away From Home, My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia, The Dedicated House, A Stroll Thru Life, Cozy Little House, Stonegable, The Winthrop Chronicles
Elizabeth and Co, Home Remedies RX, Green Willow Pond, Simple Details


  1. It Looks lovely Jody! Too bad you weren't closer we could swap stuff since we seem to have the same taste!

    1. it's funny how some people have the same taste. My sister in law has the same taste as me so we are always finding stuff for each other at the thrift stores. Her home is a mini version of mine. I have more stuff then she does.

  2. Sounds like you have some good plans for creating a new look in certain areas of your home. I really like the rooster with the lamp on your island. Did you do the calligraphy on the Bon Appetit sign? It looks great and adds just the right touch. Your buffet décor looks wonderful too!

    1. Thank you Lori . Yes I did the writing on the chalkboard of course with a little help of some transfer paper. It didn't work like I thought it would so it turned out a little messy. I still couldn't see the lines very well so I had to eyeball it. I might not change out above the cabinets right now but I will still revamp the shelves on the island. Have a wonderful day!

  3. The island (and really the whole kitchen) looks beautiful! I came over from WOW and you have given me inspiration to change some things. Thanks!!! I have been doing some "winter decor vignettes". Now I am ready to change out the kitchen too:)

    1. Thank you so much for the lovely comment. Have fun changing out your kitchen decor.

  4. Visiting from Jann's and your Kitchen is just lovely. The island looks great, organized and yet so decorative with the Vignette you have created!

  5. Your kitchen is soo cozy looking, Jody! Love that beautiful arch! Hope to see you at our link up party again tomorrow :) Enjoy the rest of your week!
    Kendra @

  6. What a wonderful kitchen this is. Your cooking and baking can only be fun.
    Lots of blessings

    1. Thank you. I don't have much time for baking but I am hoping to make more time this year. Thanks for stopping by.

  7. I love your kitchen it is so warm and inviting -Thanks for linking up to Pin Worthy Wednesday, I have pinned your post to the Pin Worthy Wednesday Pinterest Board.

  8. How warm and welcoming your home is! I love your intentional goals, too, for making tweaks to the pretty decor. Thank you for sharing!! Found you through inspiration squared linkup. :)

  9. You have a lot on your agenda Jody. I feel you are a lot like me and always need to be doing something. I am going to revamp the wall in our family room. We just bought a new Paula Deen entertainment center so I figured it was a good time to do it. Wishing you luck! lol! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

    1. Another thing that I would love to do is paint the walls through out the upper level. I will probably only get the master bedroom done. I can't wait to see what you do with your new entertainment center. I love Paula Deen furniture.

  10. I just love your kitchen! So beautiful, spacious, and cozy. I also love how your cabinets pop against the deep color walls. Did your cabinets come that color or did you paint them? Love it all!

    1. Thank you. I had to paint the cabinets. The whole kitchen was oak (not my favorite). I also painted the island dark brown.

  11. Very pretty. I am a rooster fan as well. Your kitchen is lovely!

  12. A Happy New Year indeed in your home -- January does seem to bring out the "let's make a few changes!" in so many of us. Enjoy your new looks. :-)

  13. I love it when another blogger tackles several makeovers at once. Makes me feel like I'm not just the only one out here tearing up the house. By the way, if you just threw together that pot rack top, you still did a great job. I wouldn't change it if it were mine.

    1. Thanks but I did change it out today. I still have the rooster up there but added a few more things. I have to wait to take pictures later tonight since it is hard to get good pictures in the daytime. I will be posting it tomorrow so stop on by and see the changes to the island shelves and the pot rack.

  14. Your kitchen is stunning. I love your choice of colors. Thanks for linking up to Scraptastic Saturdays.

  15. You have a beautiful kitchen., Love it!...Christine

  16. Very pretty and your vignette is lovely. Beautiful kitchen indeed!

    1. Thank you! I am getting ready to post the results of the kitchen island shelves and the potrack tonight.

  17. Your decor is very inspirational. I'm still working on mine. Thanks for the ideas

    1. I am glad that I can help out. Have a wonderful day!

  18. Jody. First time I've seen your blog. All I can say is I don't have much of an eye for decorating, but your eyes are sure helping me. Lol! Love your kitchen! Love your creativity and energy. Thx for sharing. All that work!

    1. Thank you for stopping by today! I am glad that I can help inspire you. Have a wonderful day!

  19. Well we have something in common, I start a room and pretty soon see something else I need to finish...LOL I get so distracted its a wonder I ever remember to cook dinner. Everything is looking great...Love your island!

    1. I know the feeling. It seems like I just get started on a room and it's already time to start dinner.

  20. Good luck with all your changes....can't wait to see the results. Love your blog!

  21. Jody,
    Nice decor on your kitchen island, dear one!
    I love the pear on the shelf!!!
    The chalkboard frame is charming!!!

    1. Thank you so much for the lovely comment. I moved the pear to the pot rack on Sunday. I felt like I needed to change a few things this year.

  22. Love your kitchen! Yes, keep the rooster :)
    Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY.

  23. What a warm and inviting kitchen! You have so many pretty touches!
